
Having an Intentional Routine + 4 Easy Steps to Create One

What does an intentional routine even mean? It means you will start loving your life again, your days will get easier + more joy will flow to you.

  • First, to even get intentional you need to know what lights you up. It can be as simple as, a cup of tea in peace or traveling to Fiji, there is no right or wrong. You do you boo. Write ’em out or save them in your brain, just keep a running list somewhere.
  • Second, you need to get real. Let’s bring it back to reality baby! What are the ‘have to do‘ things you need to accomplish every day? Laundry, cooking, cleaning, shower, work, sleep, exercise, take care of the kids (and please do include self-care in this must-do list!). *I define self-care as anything that makes you happy, it doesn’t necessarily have to be bubble baths by candlelight.
  • Third, how can you make the ‘have to do’ things more exciting? I mean, you HAVE TO DO THEM so you might as well find a way to enjoy it just a little 😉 Can you treat yourself to a glass of wine while cooking dinner? Can you listen to your favorite music while taking a shower? What about lighting a candle each night and reading for 10min to wind down from the day? Play tag outside with the kids (come on, you can handle just 2 rounds, right!?). Hit play on a podcast that boosts positivity while you clean. What about a Netflix binge while you fold laundry? See, it’s easy if you let it be easy.
  • Four, plan out your day including both the ‘have to do’ things and things that light you up. Mix and match, have fun with it. You can play around with your routine and tweak it for as long as you need. The main idea is to come out of the day feeling pretty damn awesome and ready to do it all over again tomorrow!

Next week I’ll share my current routine to help give you a few ideas 🙂 *Spoiler alert, I’m very slow paced and enjoy relaxing as much as possible!

If this is something you could use more help on, I’m creating a new program called The Intentional Routine that is affordable and life changing. You will enter a hot mess and leave as the confident Goddess of your family, feeling ready to take on life and ENJOY your days! There will be lots of hand holding, close friendships made and excitement to spice up your daily routine. 😉

For more updates on the course sign up for the email list here – SO SO SO excited to have you!!