
Supplement Routine | Spring 2023

If you’ve been around here for a while then you know that I went through a really rough time postpartum. To be honest, living in my body + mind was unbearable. I knew there had to be a better way to live, this couldn’t be all that life had to offer. As sh*tty as that was to go through, I’m thankful for it. I dove deep into spirituality, the metaphysical + supplements. Oh man, supplements are such a game changer. They aren’t as powerful as some Rx that I take but boy do they help. The thing with supplements is you need to take them for a few weeks to start to notice a difference and by then the difference has been building up that you barely even notice how much change it has had. It’s just like one day you wakeup and realize you feel freaking amazing. Here’s the thing…if you think they aren’t doing anything and it’s all in your head, then stop taking them. Promise you’ll notice a difference! Ok enough rambling on – also if you know me then you know I get directly to the point.


  • chlorophyl detox drops in my very first water of the day and before coffee! it oxygenates your blood, gives you energy, detoxes. it’s quick, easy, I do one full dropper. (this also comes with beauty drops/minerals that I add to my water in the afternoon)
  • coffee, breakfast, take my meds

AFTERNOON (taken directly after lunch)

  • multivitamin, I go high quality here. I truly believe if you are investing in one thing, please make it your multivitamin. You want it filled with high quality ingredients and not fillers. I’ve used this exact vitamin for at least 10yrs, it was recommended by my naturopathic dr. I only take 1/day and if I stop using them I can 100% tell a difference in my energy levels.
  • Methylfolate, Vitamin D+K (comes in one pill – from the research I’ve done, you should never take Vitamin D alone because it leaches out Calcium into the bloodstream, always always take with Vitamin K) and B12 Folate, these three get alternated. Found out from the naturopathic dr that I have the mthfr gene mutation so taking methylated vitamins is incredibly important for my body to process them. Also, my psychatrist showed me studies about the effect methylfolate has on anxiety, I was sold. Have been taking this for 4yrs and can tell a difference if I stop taking.
  • Quercetin + Zinc, these are only taken a few times a week in the winter or daily if I’m sick. It’s the ultimate cold/flu/’rona bomb. We swear by this combo.
  • Probiotic, I’ve tried SO many brands and this is the only one I could actually tell a difference on, it helps with bloating! (I take 1 at lunch and 1 at dinner)
  • DHA/Omegas, honestly, not sure I can tell much of a difference being on this but it’s the only omega that doesn’t upset my stomach and love all the brain benefits – so it’s sticking around!!!
  • Collagen, don’t get me started on the powders. Ugh. So gross. This one is liquid, smells and tastes like mango which makes taking very easy. I always notice such a difference in my hair growth on collagen, I’m still waiting on it to curb the cellulite 😉
  • greens, I take these after we get back from school pickup, it helps give me a little boost to get through dinner, hw and the end of the day! I mix 1tsp in with 1/2 glass of water and chug


  • Probiotic
  • Arae Bloating, this is new to the routine and so far I really enjoy it. I take a pill after dinner and can feel it helping the digestive process move along a little quicker (I LOVE these so much that I take one after lunch as well. You guys, this is unbelievable. I wake up in the morning with a flat stomach and have a flat stomach all day!!!) *I also like Love Wellness Bye Bye Bloat! It’s a better price point!
  • Magnesium, I take this an hour before bed – HOLY GRAIL supplement. I will never be without this. I could tell a difference after taking it for 2 days. It’s unbelievable. It has helped calm me down and keeps me in chill mode the next day as well. If you suffer from anxiety I highly recommend giving this a try. Not sure if this one works better on me because it crosses the blood brain barrier, all I know is it’s a godsend. I literally went back and ordered 1 more 30-day supply when I was 2 days in because it’s THAT good!


Let me know any supplements that have helped you!