
Weekend Edition | Quick VA Trip + Butterfly Kit

We flew up to VA late Friday night for a work event. Mike’s side of the family is in Northern VA, so we were able to spend Saturday afternoon with them. We had the BEST lobster rolls and made Hugo spritz (look them up, an amazing summer cocktail!)…Sofia even had a virgin one!

Saturday night we had our 20th anniversary work party with my side of the family (it really worked out so nicely that we got to see both sides of the family!!! Mine live in FL now). After the party we stopped by to say hi to some of our best friends, which was SO fun!

I went to lay Sofia down that evening and she could NOT get to sleep. She was starting to get so sick. Luckily our flight home Sunday was early enough that she could just chill out in bed all day. She’s still home sick. UGH. Thinking we finally turned the corner though, after loads of medicine, hydration, rest + supplements.

*sickness is not something I mess around with (especially after hitting burnout after Sofia was born). If one of us is feeling down, we DO NOT push it. We listen to our bodies and REST. so so so important.

Weekly Find: not sure if I have shared this here – I have on Instagram. This butterfly kit is amazing. Sofia is obsessed with it! She has 5 butterflies now 🙂 They send you a cup of caterpillars with food, then they head to the top of the cup and form their chrysalis then you move the lid over into the butterfly cage. It’s fun to watch their progress!

Here’s what we’re cooking this week!

MONDAY: homemade chicken noodle (used orzo)
TUESDAY: taco night, Sofia likes nachos so I just heat up some queso and put the taco meat in there and top her chips with it
WEDNESDAY: classic spaghetti and meatsauce (we use ground turkey + Raos marinara)
THURSDAY: dino nuggets (must be Dino shaped, haha they taste so much better!), mac + cheese and French beans

Hope you have a great week!