
The Best Routine is One You Can Stick To

A routine is something we need to thrive. We need structure. Not all of the time though. It’s about having balance between flow (feminine energy, aka: daydreaming, being still, creative time) and structure (masculine energy, aka: goal driven, assertive let’s get it done attitude). When you’re able to incorporate both aspects of flow and structure into your day then you will be able to follow through and stick with your new routine.

If you’re reading this, your current routine probably feels off. You aren’t following through. You aren’t thriving. Your soul is seeking more. I understand because I was you, I was right where you are now. Good news, you CAN AND WILL shift things up!

Let’s start by uncovering what’s going on with your current routine. Go ahead, list them out, grab a journal, a piece of paper and get writing.

A few guiding questions to help your journaling:

  • I absolutely enjoy doing _____?
  • If I could include anything in my day it would 100% be?
  • I need _____ to feel fulfilled, successful, accomplished
  • I have been thinking a lot lately about how I need to get done _____?
  • Things that have been bothering me are _______?
  • My non-negotiables/responsibilities that MUST be done each day are ___?
  • What was my favorite part of my childhood routine that made me feel loved (ex: family dinner, clean house, storytelling with mom before bed)? *if you had a rough childhood, feel free to skip this one or imagine what you’d like your kids to experience!

Now take this list of brain mush you’ve scribbled out and go into your heart and FEEL what 3 things get you excited. This will FEEL like a spark in your soul, a quick burst of excitement that you can feel in your body, a moment of intense happiness all condensed in a nanosecond.

These are what will move the needle in your life. You will start to make HUGE moves, I’m talking BIG BIG BIG shifts. You will feel amazing each day, look forward to your routine and see real life success!

Now take the new routine you’ve conjured up in your imagination and actually live it, hit repeat each new morning. You’ve got this!!! Remember to keep your routine simple and make sure it FEELS good, so you are able to stick with it!

Please reach out if you have any questions or feel stuck. I personally respond to each email/dm (easiest way to reach me is on Insta @megawat)