
Weekend Edition | Last Week of School + Preppy Towels

Happy Monday! We are officially on summer break over here!!!

Sofia had her first day of comp cheer practice last week, last day of school and I was setting up all of her summer activities. It was A WEEK!!!

Once the weekend rolled around we were ready to chill. Mike grilled fajitas Friday then we just relaxed. Saturday I got done all of my chores while Mike and Sofia ran out to get more mulch, our yard has taken wayyy more mulch than we anticipated. Then we went up to the pool for a little bit – the weather was perfection, zero humidity!

Sunday morning we laid around then Mike had the idea to go to TopGolf. We all had so much fun!!! That was Sofia’s first time swinging a club and she’s hooked! Of course she loved the big driver too, such a scary site!

Weekly Find: grabbed these preppy checkered towels on a whim from Amazon, Sofia uses them for the pool, they are big! But super cute for the bathroom too 🙂

Here’s what we’re cooking this week!

MONDAY: grabbing chick-fil-a after cheer practice
TUESDAY: slow cooker chicken fajita bowls (turning them into nachos for Sofia)
WEDNESDAY: spaghetti + meat sauce with salad
THURSDAY: nuggets, mac + cheese, broccoli

Hope you have a great week!