
2021 Goal Setting Made Easy

Do you set goals and stick with them?

Do you set goals and run out of steam half way through?

Do you have zero desire to set goals?

I used to set goals so high that it felt way too overwhelming to even begin which led me to set none and that evolved into living the same damn day over and over again. Sound familiar?

Today we’re going to get into EASY goal setting and map you out for the next 3 months! You will walk away from this feeling like you have your sh*t together, and that’s always a good feeling to have, amiright!?

Grab a notebook, calendar/planner, pen, coffee/tea/wine, light a candle and put some good music on – let’s go!


  1. In your notebook, brain dump everything you want to accomplish this year
  2. Pick 4-5 pillars that represent your recurring goals
    • Ex: travel, routine, house projects, personal, family
  3. Write out the next 3 months then underneath put your 4-5 pillars
    • Ex: FEBRUARY
      • Travel:
      • Routine:
      • House projects:
      • Personal:
  4. Under each pillar write down a few goals, don’t go too crazy here, simplicity is key to keep the motivation!
    • Ex: FEBRUARY
      • Travel: beach day
      • Routine: healthy meals, meal plan, workout 4 days/week
      • House projects: organize playroom, begin patio design + get quotes
      • Personal: read 3 books, make beds every AM, get dressed first thing in the morning, wash face every night
  5. Now that you have everything organized, let’s break this down even further – we’re getting super micro here. In your planner, break the monthly goals down into weeks and from there what you will do each day
  6. Repeat this process a few times a year or if you’re feeling extra fresh, knock out all 12 months in one sitting 😉

I use Asana to map out my goals, as seen here:

then I break them down further in my planner as I’m setting up each week

The main takeaway here is to brain dump!!! And then convert goals into micro form because that will make you super motivated to knock them out and it will pick up amazing momentum – you will be unstoppable!