
God Is in the Penthouse

Optimism is a state of hope, expectancy and pure love. There are so many different levels…pretend you’re on an elevator, you can drop or jump floors in seconds at any point in time. 

It’s easiest to create your life from the higher floors because you are closer to universal love (God energy, whatever you would like to call it)

When you’re at the bottom, stuck in negativity, fear and depression it’s so much harder to create a life you love because you don’t readily have access to those better feeling thoughts

Think of it as God (or whatever higher power you believe in) trying to speak to you from the top of the building – if you’re at the bottom, you won’t be able to hear much BUT if you’re in the penthouse you will hear so much clearly

Go pick you floor, aim for the penthouse…because why not!? 😉