
My Personal Daily School Year + Summer Routine (and how you can steal it!)

I try to keep my days equal parts “getting sh*t done” and “netflix + chill mode” 😉 It feels good to balance both aspects. I always feel fulfilled, like I’m actually making progress on my goals but I never get burnt out because I HIGHLY value rest time. This was learned the hard way. I hit burn out years ago and was stuck in the perpetual burnout hell loop for years after.

Let’s do this! Below is what our school year routine looks like:

up when my alarm goes off, limited social checking (5min tops), get Sofia ready, drop her at school (listen to a lesson in a positive course I’ve paid for), home for coffee/breakfast and more learning in my program, work for my actual job
squeeze in a 30min workout 4x week, shower, healthy lunch + vitamins, pick Sofia up from school (I bring a book to read or my laptop and get more work done). More work when we get home, hangout with Sofia (get her a snack, set up her tumble track, or just talk to her), tea while I finish the last bit of work
turn on the lamps, put on jazz music, light the candles, start cooking dinner, eat when Mike gets home around 6, Mike cleans up dinner while I do some chores/Sofia showers (we transition to healing piano music at this time), take any calming/sleep supplements and have a snack while Sofia and I watch a tv show in my bed (as of right now it’s Young Sheldon – such a funny show!), Sofia goes to bed at 9 then I read and usually fall asleep around 10

Now that it’s summer we’re much more laid back but yet still structured

Sofia thrives off of 1:1 personal interaction, she’s not too big into group situations – here’s her summer lineup:


Monday – cheer practice with her team 

Tuesday – cheer practice with her team

Wednesday – private tumbling lesson

Thursday – private cheer lesson

Friday – 1:1 tutoring (they work on math and reading comprehension)

I am SO thankful to work from home which allows me to be much more flexible with our day. I just bring my laptop everywhere we go.

We take the weekends off from any commitments 🙂

Hope this helps you plan your routine!