
Weekend Edition | Hawaii + Vet Emergency

What day is it!? I am all kinds of mixed up at the moment. We got back from Hawaii last week, went straight into cheer mode while adjusting to the jet lag then Vinny went to the ER at the end of the week. He ended up having to stay overnight, the Dr said it was congestive heart failure. After he was released we went to the emergency cardiologist where we received the BEST news. He never was in heart failure and only has pulmonary hypertension and will be just fine! He will be on…you ready for this…Viagra for life. Haha that’s the medication of choice to treat hypertension in dogs!!!

Ok, let’s chat Hawaii. UM amazing. Paradise. The lush mountains and clear blue water do something for the soul.

My parents treated the entire family!!! They were flying from FL and us from NC so we met up in Denver then flew together to Hawaii. We had a nightmare of a travel day that ended up in a cancelled flight and were told they couldn’t get us into Honolulu until Tuesday (we were supposed to arrive Sunday night!). After hours of playing around with flights with the customer service rep we were able to be routed into Portland then Maui then Honolulu on Monday!!! They also put us up in the Gaylord in Denver, that hotel is beautiful, we would definitely like to go back!

I’ll do a more detailed review of our trip when my brain has a minute to rest 🙂

Here’s what we’re cooking this week!

MONDAY: pulled pork nachos (using the slow cooker pulled pork from Friday)
TUESDAY: spaghetti + meatsauce
WEDNESDAY: crispy chicken thighs, rice pilaf + salad
THURSDAY: nuggets, Mac + cheese, green beans

Hope you have a great week!